Interview with BOSCH Iridum RTR Owners – The Casitys
Interview with BOSCH Iridum RTR Owners – The Casitys

This crummy economic situation has affected a lot of good people in the last few years. James and Yvonne Casity is one family that has experienced their fair share of tough times, having closed a family Plumbing business of 7 years and now currently seeking employment. However despite the gloomy outlook, I’m happy to report on a bit of good fortune for a family deeply rooted with Ford enthusiasm.

CoolFords Racing Team – Bluefire Racing
CoolFords Racing Team – Bluefire Racing

What a weekend for the Bluefire Racing Team, Catastrophe, Philanthropy and a Tribute! On a weekend that saw exciting racing and a few tugs at the heartstrings, Bluefire Racing concluded its bid for a Regional Championship last weekend (October 22, 23) in the 2011 National Auto Sports Association (NASA) American Iron series.